Healthcare compliance & Regulatory Specialists

SteinScope Consulting

Healthcare Compliance & Regulatory Specialists


external COMPLIANCE Officer

Not having a full time in-house compliance officer does not have to diminish the effectiveness of your compliance program. On the contrary, outsourcing this function allows your organization to focus on direct service without compromising the integrity of your internal processes, and yields the benefit of a fresh set of eyes to evaluate compliance concerns. As your external compliance officer, we work with you to tailor a program specific to your organization’s size, culture, and compliance priorities.


Healthcare Business CONSULTING

Beyond compliance and regulatory programming, SteinScope provides general consulting on everyday business matters. With years of experience working hand-in-hand with healthcare business executives and with a strong understanding of today’s healthcare market, we are able to guide your organization in the creation and maintenance of systems that ensure processes and people are working together in the most efficient way possible.



Consistent compliance and regulatory monitoring can reduce risks posed by ineffective or outdated policies and procedures and issues that simply “fall through the cracks”. Comprehensive and methodical audits can identify gaps in your training and policy documentation, boost your compliance standing, and protect your organization against potential negative claims. We customize education and training materials to your organization’s needs, priorities, and management structure, while we assist you in measuring progress and reviewing effectiveness.


“Effective compliance programs play a critical role in preventing misconduct, facilitating investigations, and informing fair resolutions.”

Department of Justice, April 30, 2019 Press Release


With over 10 years of practice experience in healthcare law, our primary goal is to ensure your company has the tools and resources it needs to maintain superior regulatory standing and a strong compliance culture.